quick lube hendersonville nc

Quick-Lube Stores: How to Make the Most of Your Money

Prior to this period, many people resorted to changing the oil in their mechanic’s workshop. Even more people chose to carry out their own oil changes in their garages and access roads. Because of the fast food / microwave mentality that affects the nation, there are people in fast food stores who want to change the butter at lunchtime, leaving time to buy a hamburger.

quick lube hendersonville ncFor a driver who is constantly on the road, a lubricant store for driving can be very convenient:

When you drive, the technician takes your key, drives your car to the garage, and in about 10-30 minutes you replace a car with oil, as well as some other benefits, such as filling up liquids, cleaning windows and vacuuming the cabin. All this, as a general rule, costs between 20 and 30 dollars, and you are already driving with a sticker on the side window that tells you when you should return the car for maintenance with quick lube hendersonville nc. Although there may be a problem finding something that is not pleasant in this scenario, there are some drawbacks that are worth mentioning.

  1. This is not a mechanic

The form should not be confused with the names embroidered in the patches; Most of these people are not trained and experienced mechanics. The person to whom you gave your keys can not earn much more than the minimum wage and cannot detect or inform you about possible problems with your car. If you had hired professional mechanics to work on your car, your price would have to be much more than the $ 25-30 you paid.

  1. There is a trap

While you think you can get a nice deal with a sign that says “Oil Change: $ 19.95”, you may end up seeing red after leaving with a $ 150 ticket. While waiting patiently for an oil change, a representative at the table you can tell horrible stories about what can happen if you do not use your liquid, if you do not replace your cleaners and if you do not update your premium oil. By listening to such stories, most people will agree with everything that is done with their car; Even some services that will not benefit the car.

  1. There are no specialists in the care of lubricants

In these fast food stores, like in your fast food restaurant next door, there is a high turnover rate. Because new people are hired, dismissed, retired or transferred to other people, you have very little chance that you can build trust with these companies as you can with a local mechanic.